Funding Your Chrisvicmall Account With Naira Currency
The official currency used for transactions on Chrisvicmall is USA Dollar ($). However, you can still credit your account with Naira currency but it will be converted to dollar using the exchange rate on Chrisvicmall. The steps below will teach you how to fund your Chrisvicmall wallet with Nigeria Naira currency. For those that do not know, Naira is official Nigeria currency. You can use Naira to fund your Chrisvicmall account. You can achieve this through any of this methods :
Payment Through Bank Transfer
You can pay through bank direct deposit, bank online transfer or ATM deposit. Our Naira bank accounts can be found on your dashboard when you log into your account. After making payment, remember to fill the payment notification. The payment notification form is within your "My Wallet" which you can find on your dashboard. Please note that we can only credit your account after receiving your payment notification.
Payment Through Voguepay Getaway
Voguepay is a third party payment processing company which we use to accept payments. One advantage of using Voguepay to make payment to us is that your account will be credited automatically upon successful payment. Moreover, you can pay us with credit through Voguepay platform.
When you pay us through Voguepay, you do not need to submit payment notification since your account will be credited automatically.